Adult Sectionals, a Joint VentureAdult Sectionals, a Joint Venture Accountants: Bryan, Cory, BonnieAccountants: Bryan, Cory, Bonnie Ref, Kim Buchanan, Don and Charilie MiltmoreRef, Kim Buchanan, Don and Charilie Miltmore Susan Yahata, Carolyn & Jeff ClinganSusan Yahata, Carolyn & Jeff Clingan Pasadena FSC Hospitality Goddess April Hicks with GFFSC counterpart, CarolynPasadena FSC Hospitality Goddess April Hicks with GFFSC counterpart, Carolyn Announcers: Bob Davis and Don RabbittAnnouncers: Bob Davis and Don Rabbitt Club Skater, Mark Nolan and his partnerClub Skater, Mark Nolan and his partner The Hurd Video GangThe Hurd Video Gang Ida Bigenho & Susan YahataIda Bigenho & Susan Yahata Ida, Cris Pozanac and SusanIda, Cris Pozanac and Susan Melissa Drummond and her t-shirt boothMelissa Drummond and her t-shirt booth Pasadena FSC Crew!Pasadena FSC Crew! IMG_0843IMG_0843 IMG_0844Selling Olympic PinsIMG_0844Selling Olympic Pins Pasadena FSC President, Kent Woods, Alice and MoniquePasadena FSC President, Kent Woods, Alice and Monique Cynthia Slawter at her boothCynthia Slawter at her booth IMG_0847IMG_0847 IMG_0848IMG_0848 Wawanesa Insurance was the title sponsor of PCASWawanesa Insurance was the title sponsor of PCAS The dance panelThe dance panel IMG_0851IMG_0851 Mirai Nagasu and IdaMirai Nagasu and Ida Mirai with PFSC Judge Sharon WatsonMirai with PFSC Judge Sharon Watson our Libby Lynch with Miraiour Libby Lynch with Mirai IMG_0855IMG_0855 IMG_0856IMG_0856 two cutie patootiestwo cutie patooties IMG_0859IMG_0859 Bob and Don, pretty happy to be photographed with MiraiBob and Don, pretty happy to be photographed with Mirai Cris, Carrie Miller and MiraiCris, Carrie Miller and Mirai PFSC Judge Carrie Miller with MiraiPFSC Judge Carrie Miller with Mirai IMG_0863IMG_0863 IMG_0864IMG_0864 IMG_0865IMG_0865 IMG_0866IMG_0866 IMG_0867IMG_0867 Another Happy PanelAnother Happy Panel Gregg Plahy on hand to help clean upGregg Plahy on hand to help clean up Bob Booth made sure everything was neatly put awayBob Booth made sure everything was neatly put away CrisCris"muscles" Pozanc, wrestling a big box Don Don "jack of all trades" Rabbitt, puts another competition to bedDigital Photos Album by v3.0